One of a Kind Clay - Janet Helm

One of a Kind Clay - Janet Helm


Bud the Bird

My Logo Image

My Old Friend Bud, a White Faced Pearl Cockatiel

My Old Friend Bud, a White Faced Pearl Cockatiel

 The image contained on my stamp is of my bird named Bud. His hatch date was April of 1997. He is currently 25 years old. Many people see smaller birds or mammals such as rabbits as "starter pets." This is not the case. Small pets can live many years if loved and properly cared for. 

I learned what Cockatiels need to remain healthy and happy. I have owned Bud since he was a baby, and he has bonded with me. He likes me to socialize with him, wants to spend time with me as well as wanting to be groomed. Birds in general enjoy having their heads scratched and bathing. Because they are natives of Australia, I don’t expose them to cold temperatures.They sleep when the sun goes down and will be completely quiet at night. I provide a blanket to put over their cage to keep them calm, warm, and to create darkness for sleep or quiet. Birds also need a night light, or they will startle at night to an unexpected noise or movement. 

My efforts at proper care, consideration and affection have been rewarded by loyalty and acceptance. I am a part of their family and society. It makes me proud to know I have been a responsible and caring bird owner. This is why Bud the Bird deserves a place of honor on my clay pieces. He passed away in 2022, and rests by a quiet stream.